I return to also publish up this blog dedicated entirely to the graphics, up to now housed along with other things on my main blog imitidicthulhu .
This first post in the new series refers to the last tool I'm working on: DxFACE, on the importance of three-dimensional objects in Second Life, created with any installation or CAD with SketchUp the famous free modeling program from Google.
DxFACE can be downloaded here.
In the next post I will explain the characteristics, potentials and methods of use.
For now remember that the program was created by integrating with my little three-dimensional viewer 3DLite, downloadable here, by my page for SecondTGA.
DxFACE is capable of interpreting three-dimensional faces up to 32, reading from DXF files. In the package you will find the plugin DxFACE.rb, through which Google SketchUp, the free version, will be allowed to save your models in DXF format required, typical CAD programs.
DxFACE.rb The plugin will be removed and moved from the folder DxFACE.
His place will be in the SketchUp Plugins folder, usually located in C: \\ Program Files \\ Google \\ Google SketchUp 6 \\
Below is an example of Sculpty unique, created on the fly with 32 faces in the DXF format, and saved for Second Life. The texture loaded on the faces is provided in the package as BMP, and is a useful template to differentiate faces, numbers and colors, the editing phase of the skin bitmap.
DxFACE importer for free is a three-dimensional objects in Second Life, created with any CAD installation or in SketchUp, the popular free modeling program from Google. DxFACE can be downloaded here . In the next posts I will explain the characteristics, potentials and methods of use. For now remember that the program is allowed to use my small three-dimensional viewer 3DLite, downloadable here by my page for SecondTGA. DxFACE is capable of interpreting three-dimensional faces up to 32, reading from DXF files. In the package you will find the plugin DxFACE.rb, written for Google SketchUp 6 free version, that enables to save your models in the DXF format required. You have to extract the DxFACE.rb p lugin and to move it from the DxFACE folder to the SketchUp Plugins folder, usually located in C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\ . Below the example of a single Sculpty, created with 32 faces into the required DXF format, and saved in TGA for Second Life. The texture loaded on the faces is provided in the DxFACE's package, such as BMP, and it is a useful template to differentiate faces, numbers and colors while you have to edit the skin for the Sculpty.
This first post in the new series refers to the last tool I'm working on: DxFACE, on the importance of three-dimensional objects in Second Life, created with any installation or CAD with SketchUp the famous free modeling program from Google.
DxFACE can be downloaded here.
In the next post I will explain the characteristics, potentials and methods of use.
For now remember that the program was created by integrating with my little three-dimensional viewer 3DLite, downloadable here, by my page for SecondTGA.
DxFACE is capable of interpreting three-dimensional faces up to 32, reading from DXF files. In the package you will find the plugin DxFACE.rb, through which Google SketchUp, the free version, will be allowed to save your models in DXF format required, typical CAD programs.
DxFACE.rb The plugin will be removed and moved from the folder DxFACE.
His place will be in the SketchUp Plugins folder, usually located in C: \\ Program Files \\ Google \\ Google SketchUp 6 \\
Below is an example of Sculpty unique, created on the fly with 32 faces in the DXF format, and saved for Second Life. The texture loaded on the faces is provided in the package as BMP, and is a useful template to differentiate faces, numbers and colors, the editing phase of the skin bitmap.
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