was held Oct. 19 at the high school, the chair of the School Council. In
component parents, we salute the arrival of AnnaMaria Memmo (current vice-president of the Parents' Committee) to replace Luana Giraldo who has resigned for personal reasons: Luana thank for their active and enthusiastic participation that has characterized its presence in the Council this year.
After reading and approval of minutes of previous sessions, were considered some changes to the budget (mainly related to the halving of the regional contribution - Provincial hours - from about 9000 to about 4500 €, and on the allocation of various items spending of about € 14,000 more revenue from the increase of the registration fee).
The Council then voted positively on the proposal of the Electoral Commission with respect to the election of class representatives: elections of the parents will be held Friday, October 30, with assembly class from 16.30 and voting from 17 hours .
The good news is that, unlike last year, this time the students will present at least one list for the renewal of its component in the School Council.
Among the resolutions of expenditure has been approved the expenditure of € 5571 to set up with computers, projector screen and three classrooms for language instruction. In the future they should also come to the overhead: for now I will used in a branch courtesy of our host school.
has also been approved the expenditure of 3763 to replace 8 pc of the secretariat, obsolete (most of this money will then be reversed as the subject of a specific contribution by the Province is currently not exactly quantifiable).
Finally, it was decided the cost of 5400 € for the work relating to this and the next school year, the Project Dependencies, whose approach (based on peer tutor students and to "focus group") is effective in by the teachers and children.
The component required that parents be provided information on the subject specific families, talking about the project to the class representatives.
It was finally discussed contributions to the costs of cleaning and to require the companies to those that require the use of classrooms and gyms.
Of Any Other Business, there was discussion of the cost of photocopies for students (requiring verification costs compared to other schools) and how to evaluate claims.
component parents, we salute the arrival of AnnaMaria Memmo (current vice-president of the Parents' Committee) to replace Luana Giraldo who has resigned for personal reasons: Luana thank for their active and enthusiastic participation that has characterized its presence in the Council this year.
After reading and approval of minutes of previous sessions, were considered some changes to the budget (mainly related to the halving of the regional contribution - Provincial hours - from about 9000 to about 4500 €, and on the allocation of various items spending of about € 14,000 more revenue from the increase of the registration fee).
The Council then voted positively on the proposal of the Electoral Commission with respect to the election of class representatives: elections of the parents will be held Friday, October 30, with assembly class from 16.30 and voting from 17 hours .
The good news is that, unlike last year, this time the students will present at least one list for the renewal of its component in the School Council.
Among the resolutions of expenditure has been approved the expenditure of € 5571 to set up with computers, projector screen and three classrooms for language instruction. In the future they should also come to the overhead: for now I will used in a branch courtesy of our host school.
has also been approved the expenditure of 3763 to replace 8 pc of the secretariat, obsolete (most of this money will then be reversed as the subject of a specific contribution by the Province is currently not exactly quantifiable).
Finally, it was decided the cost of 5400 € for the work relating to this and the next school year, the Project Dependencies, whose approach (based on peer tutor students and to "focus group") is effective in by the teachers and children.
The component required that parents be provided information on the subject specific families, talking about the project to the class representatives.
It was finally discussed contributions to the costs of cleaning and to require the companies to those that require the use of classrooms and gyms.
Of Any Other Business, there was discussion of the cost of photocopies for students (requiring verification costs compared to other schools) and how to evaluate claims.
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