Ora convertiamo il primo oggetto in una Sculpty.
In Google SketchUp il disegno è finito, accertiamoci che effettivamente saranno salvate 32 facce e che quindi l'oggetto sia valido, altrimenti dovremo modificarlo.
( Menu File ---> " Valid 3DFACEs Count ")
Now we convert the first object into a Sculpty. The SketchUp drawing is finished and we must ensure that 32 faces will saved and then the object is valid, otherwise we will have to change it.
( File Menu ---> " Valid 3Dfaces Count ").
In Google SketchUp il disegno è finito, accertiamoci che effettivamente saranno salvate 32 facce e che quindi l'oggetto sia valido, altrimenti dovremo modificarlo.
( Menu File ---> " Valid 3DFACEs Count ")
( File Menu ---> " Valid 3Dfaces Count ").
Nel Menu File scegliamo " Export to DxFACE " e diamogli un nome. A file salvato riceveremo la notifica di validità ( Ready ). E' comunque consigliabile mantenere SketchUp sempre aperto sul modello, in modo da poter intervenire facilmente con variazioni se non dovesse poi piacerci nel file TGA compilato.
In the File Menu we choose " Export to DxFACE " and we give it a name. We will receive the notification of validity ( Ready ). It is always advisable to keep SketchUp running, so you can easily edit the object if you do not like the shape compiled as TGA files.
Now open the executable DxFACE.exe and load the DXF file using the "Open DXF . The file is converted immediately. If you receive a notification ( Fixed ), we see below, do not worry. Means that the object was drawn with SketchUp larger than allowed for Sculpties SL, and the program has made a resize, bring it to proper scale and taking advantage of the range of sizes allowed. That means that we are going to create the best Sculpty risoluzione possibile.
Now we run the executable DxFACE.exe and we have to load the DXF file via button " Open DXF ". The file is converted immediately. If we receive notification ( Fixed , see below), do not worry. It means that the object was drawn with SketchUp larger than allowed by Sculpty shapes, and the program has also made a resize, bringing the drawing to the right scale and making the best possible size range. Therefore it means that the Sculpty will created at the best possible resolution.
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