CTCS Association, the Newton High School and Faber Teater present ...
Period: 14 - 18 September 2009
Recipients: students of the first and third year classes in conjunction with all concerned to share the experience of welcoming new students at the school.
Purpose: To facilitate the inclusion of pupils in the school's first year and the transition from one course to students Diterzi providing guidance tools, motivation and organization of the study.
Objectives: To inform
• organization of the school,
• rules to follow to qualify in an effective and efficient teaching learning
• Best practice approach to the study and use of school time - free time.
• testimonials / conversations
• curricular and extracurricular activities demonstrations of laboratory
• moments of the show open to families and other classes of high school.
• Commission as Newton High School (ref. Adele Colombo, Laura hints);
• Faber Teater (ref. Pasquero Aldo);
• CTCS onlus (ref. John Gribben).
Monday September 14, 2009 - location (the school yard or gym if rain)
Theme of the day: first class accommodation of
Recipients: first class with their class councils
Hours: 9:00 to 10:30
Activities: Welcome address by the Headmaster, also intervene:
- Gianna Pentenero, Regional Minister for Education;
- Bruno Matola, Mayor of Chivasso;
- Gianfranco Scoppettone, Minister of Education City of Chivasso;
- John Gribben, Chairman of the Institute;
- Ariemma Leone, President of the Parents' Committee.
theme: how schools can contribute to the development of the person as a citizen and as an active player in the world of the future lvoro;
There are testimonies of former students;
Hours 10.30 - 12.00
entertainment activities in the classroom, organized by the tutor;
Presentation of the laboratories.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - Unizo lessons for other classes
Activities: Start teaching activities per tutte le classi, presentazione dei programmi delle varie materie;
per le classi terze è previsto l’intervento di allievi delle classi quinte che illustreranno loro le problematiche del pasaggio dal biennio al triennio.
Mercoledì 16 settembre 2009 – Luogo (Palestra)
Tema della giornata: il ruolo dell’educatore
Attività: Presentazione dello spettacolo “I ragazzi del sogno” a cura del Faber Teater
Orario: 8,30 – 10,00 ‐ Destinatari: classi terze
Orario: 10,30 – 11,20 ‐ Destinatari: classi quinte
Attività: Conversazione on the role of the educator with Burberi Augustine, a student of Don Milani and Vice President of Fondazione Don Milani
Coordinator: Dr. Ross Bo
Speech by Prof. Fulvia Velludo historical framework on the problem of education by law Coppino today.
Hours: 11.30 to 13.00 - Target: Class scenes - Location (Aula Magna)
Thursday, September 17 - Location (Courtyard or gym if rain)
Theme of the day: the school as an opportunity to develop their talents by learning to organize their free time and study.
Time: 21.00 hours
Target audience: all (students and parents)
Activities: Entertainment, drama workshop organized by the Newton High School, entitled "Barricades
Friday, September 18 - Place (Piazza CA Dalla Chiesa)
Theme of the day : feel good at school, including the management of the study and cultivation of his interests.
Hours: 16.00 to 19.30
Recipients: an initiative open to all
Activities: Review of actions emerging musical groups of students from the Liceo
at the end of the day performance of the group "Nometronome"
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