Argomenti trattati:
Sono stati ripresi i punti discussi nel precedente incontro per verificarne l’eventuale evoluzione e fare il punto della situazione prima della fine dell’anno scolastico, approfittando anche della presenza di alcuni genitori rappresentanti nel Consiglio d’Istituto, che hanno chiarito come e se gli argomenti siano stati trattati in Consiglio d’Istituto.
Laboratorio multimediale
Come era stato richiesto a suo tempo, il Prof. Fontana ha presentato una dettagliata relazione sullo stato del laboratorio e sulle nuove esigenze in terms of hardware and software. The laboratory was chosen as the venue for extracurricular courses funded by Regione Piemonte. This event should be an input of funds, and although some school funds have been used to resolve a fault happened a few weeks ago, there is sufficient optimism about the possibility of finding what is necessary for the purchase or lease. This last mode (leasing or operating lease) is, in fact, was deemed unenforceable by a Newton High School and has the huge advantage of overcoming the problem of technological obsolescence of the hardware. They are also already been identified some possible suppliers: the names were presented to the leadership that will implement the procedures for the purchase or lease. It also suggests to explore the possibility of using the pc otherwise discharged from the multimedia laboratory, perhaps on activities that do not require updated software as well.
Laboratory of foreign language
Surely this laboratory also complains of a strong obsolescence. To date, however, there is still a common opinion among teachers about the needs for renewal. The issue will therefore be taken only when the upstream will be clarified technical requirements of the laboratory.
E 'showed a clear perception (hearing students) to a low use of the laboratories (especially in science), however, have equipment and scientific equipment also of some importance. Will the school management of any data access (if detected along the school year) to such workshops so that they do not constitute mere "window dressing" in the days of educational guidance in the institutions of the lower schools of the second degree. If there are no data or statistics about it would be interesting proposed questionnaires for investigating the issue.
Information and School Site
As mentioned earlier in the meeting, highlighted the need to strengthen channels of communication between school and home. Many parents have voiced concern over the lack of news from the "Newtonian world" is because students do not transmit all the initiatives undertaken by the school, either because the system of 'notice board "reached a very limited number of people. Certainly the site is considered important showcase for the presentation of the various initiatives of the school . While recognizing the great work done over the years by Professor Fontana and all those who have fed in some way, seems to reveal the need to extend them to other "actors" of the school scene. The idea is to propose the creation of a "writing" school where converge the various facets of school: teachers, students and parents. The Parents Committee will discuss this initiative with the School Leadership in the next meeting.
Given that the school has dealt with this topic in different forms, the Committee discussed the parents presence of a psychologist at the institute and how much this service cost effectively set up. The impression is that the true recipients of the service, the young people with youth problems, do not access the service for not "expose themselves" with their classmates or teachers. The Committee would like to know the parents using the service data to try to assess any changes to it: for example, the intervention of the psychologist in the classroom. This overturn the work in the box: no longer entirely in the hands of boys but the proposal and stimulated by the intervention of a psychologist, who, thanks to his experience could possibly locate within the class with which the subjects in greater depth.
remedial courses
The Committee asks the parents of School Leadership, a serious assessment of the effectiveness of remedial courses. In the view of many students and some teachers of the courses do not get the desired result. If, in fact, the learning problem lies not in the proper functioning of the cultural message of the passage between teacher and student, are certainly not the remedial courses (as currently set) in order to solve the problem.
E ' showed that, in some cases, the courses overlap in sports or other organized by the school to which children involved can not access (eg rugby final)
Announcement of proposed trips in the 1st year class council
This theme has already emerged in the previous meeting, it was reintroduced. Will be required for school leadership.
The committee plans to request a parent meeting at the Executive to address these issues.
Vice President: Anna Memmo
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