Sunday, January 24, 2010

White Particles Floating Urine

Nuova feature per DxFACE

am very satisfied with the resolution reached and I anticipate the first image in 51 faces.
finish the algorithms and set the template for testing (that you can still see some texture split out of place).
mode in which they are pervenuto, passando tra la 32 e la 64, ovvero la 51 facce, ma automaticamente tutte splittate quadruplicandole in 204, mi pare ottimale.
Considerando ovviamente che si può disegnare di tutto (in Sketchup o in CAD o tramite qualsiasi modeller che possa esportare in DXF) senza badare a griglie bozzoli risoluzione etc etc. Poi, creare la texture, sul nuovo template che sarà inserito nel pacchetto, è molto facile, e richiede un minimo di pazienza, perchè le facce sono riconoscibilissime (numero+colore).
Naturalmente, tra le opzioni, resteranno disponibili tutte le modalità.
Ad esempio, il modo 32, che splitta le facce, se rettangolari, a trenino fino a in fila per 6, può essere utile a seconda del tipo di sculpt....

ps: si noti che il bordino nero sui cubi, frutto delle facce adiacenti nascoste, a texture ultimata si fa sparire in un secondo, bordando la faccia, oltre i suoi bordi di template, con una tinta analoga a quella prevalente della texture. Nell'immagine si nota al massimo perchè, non essendo ortogonali le facce del dadino ai vettori X e Y, i lati sono ricalcolati per interpolazione nel punto mediano di vettori orientati nello spazio su valori in floating point, e ne consegue che la sculpt, a base di integer (numeri interi), risente dell'arrotondamento final values.

For the future, shows that the immediate consideration compared to new implementations. Given the possibility that the need for a resolution sculpt has to quadruple its smaller faces, I could provide for the transfer of its resolution in excess of the larger faces, but that might require more detail. That is, DxFACE must choose and adopt a resolution of texture-sided, or four, or nonula (as they say 9x9?) Depending on the size of each face. The increase is not arithmetic but geometric, because we talk about mesh.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How To Start An Adult Film Company

The meeting of the Parents' Committee with the leadership of Newton

Il 15 dicembre scorso il Comitato Genitori è stato ricevuto dal Vice Preside, Prof. Actis, che con la ormai consueta gentilezza e pazienza si è reso disponibile ad esaminare insieme alcuni temi emersi nell’incontro del 20 novembre (il verbale è pubblicato sul blog).

Ripercorrendo i punti proprio di quel verbale, si sono toccati i seguenti argomenti:


Le perplessità che sono state esposte trovano sostanzialmente conferma anche presso la dirigenza, del resto se ne era già discusso abbondantemente al termine dello scorso anno scolastico. L’idea, avanzata dal Comitato, di effettuare una sorta di tutoraggio da parte dei ragazzi che non sono coinvolti nel corso di recupero verso i loro compagni, or to carry on the same course of study in the same hour of the course of recovery, had already been experimented in the past with little success. The fundamental problem is that for the good, the course must involve a limited number of people, and then to implement the so-called working groups would need additional premises, which, however, do not exist. addition, this year there is still no certainty of the possibility of realization of the courses because, at present, there are sufficient funds for their implementation. Data for granted then the mandatory remedial courses but also the opportunity to do so, a comparison with the leadership has shown that all the proposals in the Committee think parents in some way have been assessed / tested.


Prof. Actis told us that the mechanism for allocation of credits follows strict rules laid down by the ministry and that, indeed, may be in some special cases ( children with very high average) "punitive" because it allows the allocation of credit. However, there has also assured that in these cases the evaluation of teachers shall be given, even if informally, these credits contributing to the overall assessment on the student.


With regard to the uniformity of criteria for assessing the speech is very complex in regard to the sphere of personal evaluation of each teacher, which of course has its own perception of the preparation of students who may be different from that of his colleague. The direction is still sensitive to the subject so much that the manager personally oversees this aspect, offering courses to teachers, monitoring the testing of students and by constantly monitoring the situation.


Prof. Actis explained again the enormous organizational difficulties related to trips (especially those of several days).

assured us, however, that since the first class council, is presented a list of possible destinations and, apart from exceptional cases of last-minute change, a few days earlier (6-7) is provided for parents to program detailed output with all the necessary references.


He had asked to know How is the "recovery" of the 10 minutes difference between the form of 50 full time. We were told that there is no general rule and that the terms of use of this time is decided by the class council. Normally, these hours are devoted in part to the replacement of absent teachers, partly to manage the outputs (day trips or more) and even in some classes to complete the organization (those that fall below the 30 hours). Looking ahead, however, with the implementation of recent reform Gelmini, will be reviewed, perhaps the times of so-called modules, and it is possible that a return to the hours of 60 minutes. To date, however, not be certain as merit.

dependent projects

elected representatives of parents in the parents' meeting is largely positive about the school's initiative to raise awareness of our children on the negative aspects of all forms of addiction
. Any initiative undertaken
, tending to form the future adult and be aware of its leading lady of his decision-making, free from performance anxiety and imitation, can not 'to be in line with the educational purpose, own, the "trade" parents and teachers.

So I thank those leaders and teachers, have worked for the realization of this project. For our part, we make ourselves available for collaboration, training, audit
any results.
With prof. Actis, shared his view of the collaboration, we decided to conduct a meeting between representatives of parents and those involved in this project.

sincerely thank Prof. Actis of your time and valuable information provided.