Thursday, March 26, 2009

How Do I Find Out How Much A Portrait Is Worth

Committee: Minutes of meeting March 20, 2009 Meeting of the Parents' Committee

On 20/03/2009 at 17.30, after meeting the President of the European parents met at the Great Hall of the Newton High School parents' representatives in almost all, some parents representatives and two members of the Board of the Institute.

The topics were as follows:

Obsolescence computer that came with the computer lab Section High School Multimedia

representatives of classes to address the classic media have exposed the need to revamp the computer supplied to the laboratory that address. In summary, the hardware currently provided does not allow the installation of latest versions of software. This would not only prevent students the opportunity to obtain a European license and be able to update programs using the most advanced performance contrasts with the assessment of excellence that offers high school, recently confirmed by the prestigious position obtained in the ranking of colleges compiled by the Foundation Lambs. Noted that the Council of the Institute is the educational body that has decision-making about the allocation of available funds, and the only person entitled to raise any funds externally, it is requested that this topic be included in the order of day of the next School Council and to that end, in order to shorten as much as possible, teachers will be required prior to the component (in particular to Prof. Fontana) report a technical / economical on the subject.

Communication problems

Parents complain about lack of communication and, in some cases within the class (parents-parents), both in general by the school against the representatives of the parents (school parents). The Committee therefore calls on the School Leadership parents to be more organized communication with families. In particular, in the case of families with separated parents, upon request on their part, it requires that communications and information, and the required signature to any authorization, to arrive both parents, while respecting the principle of bi- parenting.

reform school

Il comitato genitori esorta tutti i genitori a tenersi informati sulla futura riforma della scuola superiore, il cui decreto attuativo è previsto nei prossimi mesi estivi. Esistono (in Piemonte e in Italia) molti comitati genitori che possono fornire informazioni e opinioni sul tema: si segnalano in particolare i siti Coordinamento Genitori Torino , Coordinamento genitori democratici , Associazione Genitori e Scuola , Comitati Genitori .

Gite scolastiche – Viaggi d’istruzione

I Parents complain that there is always a little information about the assessments and educational reasons that lead to the choice of a particular destination rather than another. Often we tend to prefer foreign capitals, especially in the two years, at the expense of interesting Italian cities that would probably cost less to households (especially those who have more children to please).

The Committee, however, ask that a meeting with members of the special Commission Travel, will propose:

  1. advance to select a shortlist of possible destinations, so as to prevent leakage and loss of time;
  2. to communicate any chosen destination representatives and parents at the first Board of Class
  3. to explain the educational rationale that determined the choice.

Possibility of using the library room during the hours when no classes are held

Noting that the students (such as those exempt from the time of religion) to spend time the "hour-hole" not in a specific place and identified, but often in the corridors or the stairs of the Institute, the Parents' Committee requires that students, in such cases can use the premises of the school library. You are then requested a meeting with the Library Commission to discuss the need to ensure a suitable space for students to spend profitably and safely this time.

The committee plans to organize at least one follow-up meeting before the end of the school year in order to monitor developments and solutions of the above.

            THE PRESIDENT: Leo Ariemma

            THE VICE PRESIDENT: Annamaria Memmo

            THE SECRETARY: Monica Sappa

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Niñas De 15 Follando

The first meeting of the Parents of Newton ( after that manner) is called to
Friday, March 20 at 17.30 in the Aula Magna
high school.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Much Do You Save At An Auto Auction

The status of the Parents' Committee of the Newton


The Parents' Committee of the Newton High School Chivasso is established under Article. 15 paragraph 2 of DL 297/94.

It has democratic structure and is independent of all political and religious movement.


The Committee does not pursue profit organizations and members of their activities on a voluntary and free of charge.

It was created to inform, aggregate and represent the parents against the school bodies, the municipal administration and public institutions. It offers advice and initiatives relating to the same school and the area.

It aims to:

1. foster greater collaboration between schools and families in mutual respect of the role of each component.

2. promote meetings, conferences, debates and any other initiatives that help parents to better development of their personality and that of their children.

3. Providing help and advice to parents in the elected organs of school, so they feel encouraged and supported in carrying out their duties.


Membership of the committee all the parents, or those who stand in it legally, whose children are enrolled in the Institute, subject to acceptance of this Statute.


The Parents' Committee shall elect:

· President;

· One or more Vice Presidents,.

· Secretary.

The President is responsible for convening the meetings of the Parents' Committee, to chair, to ensure the smooth operation and represent the Committee with other bodies.

The Vice President replaces the President and assists him in carrying out his task.
They hold office for one year and may be reelected.

Secretary - who is appointed in each session by the President - has the task of drawing up the minutes of the meetings of the Committee.

The offices of President and Vice President are incompatible with being a member of the Board of the Institute.


The Committee meets:

· convened by the President;

· request of at least ¼ (quarter) of class representatives elected;

· States at the request of parents del Consiglio d’Istituto.

La convocazione è resa nota mediante gli alunni e/o avviso pubblico esposto nelle bacheche e nel sito della scuola.

Alle riunioni sono ammessi tutti i genitori, il Dirigente Scolastico, il personale docente e non docente, le autorità comunali e gli esperti.

Dovrà essere convocata almeno una riunione l’anno per il rinnovo delle cariche elettive.

Il Comitato delibera a maggioranza dei genitori presenti.

Il verbale, firmato dal Presidente e dal Segretario, è protocollato in segreteria.


The organs of the Parents' Committee are renewed each school year by the end of December. The signatures are confirmed unless their withdrawal or revocation of the requirements.


This constitution may be amended by the Parents' Committee, after inclusion in the agenda, with the consent of at least 2 / 3 (two thirds) of the parents attending the session on.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Why Does Come Taste Different Sometimes?

E 'born on Parents' Committee of the Newton! The Darwin

E 'was significant participation of the parents of Newton House, Friday, February 27, opened by Chairman of the Institute: over 80 who took part in the Great Hall of the packed high school, more or less equally divided between representatives elected in the Class Council and concerned parents.
The members of the Institute opened the meeting by telling what is and what is the Parents' Committee, provided by the decrees of 1974 and reconfirmed by the Consolidation Act of 1997.
The Assembly unanimously approved the proposed constitution of the Committee.
He then proceeded (with the vote of the representatives of the class) to consider and vote on the draft Statute (the full text published in a subsequent post), approved single-parent abstained.
unanimously voted the parents were then candidatisi the roles of chairman and vice chairman:
  • Ariemma Leone (President);
  • AnnaMaria Memmo (Vice Chairman);
  • Renza House (Vice President).
E 'was confirmed that this site will function as a showcase and a conduit of the committee's efforts, as well as continuing to inform on the activities of the governing bodies of Newton.
Later, it was open and lively participative discussion on employment in November, the public letter sent to parents about the component the CDI and the five of conduct.
components of the ISC have finally explained the reason for its approval to the Assembly of the registration fee increase, approved last session of the Council.
The need to vacate the Hall by the 19 made it impossible to face another of the topics proposed (the dual parenting) ... but soon there will be other opportunities to meet, the way the Committee has just begun!