Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bathroom Ceiling Mold

DxFACE Clip-Tutorial

alternativa IExplore direct link .

Un piccolo clip-tutorial sul lavoro di DxFACE .
In Sketchup la "rieditazione" degli spigoli ( edges ), che vedete nel video, NON è obbligatoria, però è utile ( io l'ho fatta solo sulla faccia davanti ) per 2 MOTIVI.
Suggerisce a Sketchup di piantarla coi suoi centomila triangoli nascosti nelle facce poligonali plurime, col risultato che :
1) economize their faces, which can not exceed the number of 32 64 because of technical sculpt
2) textures, in addition, we can manage much better, because are more square.

Test in world of object box / cover / nuts, textured template in the background the church built with the new beta version of DxFACE 0:00:24, which has 64 faces.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cheap Meatel Cores For Scotters

Morphing in SecondTGA 1.07.02 [update a]

Morphing in SecondTGA 1.07.02

Create a new Sculpty interpolating between two existing files.
Access to the menu function you aggregate two Scupties .
For now feature is implemented only on the size 128x128 pixels.
a consideration. The mapping of the vertices of a Sculpty on a TGA file, depending on the tool using the shell, it can happen in two ways, resulting in the appearance of the object be irrelevant.
The first way is to record the values \u200b\u200bof higher elevation from the top of the image file TGA, while the second mode does the opposite, recording a partire dal basso.
I valori sono gli stessi, e quindi il risultato non cambia.
Cambia invece il prodotto della feature di Morphing, che scansiona il due file TGA comparando le linee di pixel.
Se le due Sculpties sono disegnate in modo opposto, e volete ad esempio mixare una colonna con un fiore, il morphing che ho implementato interpolerà tra il gambo del fiore e il capitello, e non otterrete l'effetto sperato.
Rimediare è facilissimo.
E' sufficiente caricare uno dei due TGA da interpolare con un qualsiasi programma di grafica, e risalvarlo dopo a flip, or vertical overturning.
The object, if it was produced with a tool that works well on LOD, does not change. You are not reversing its substance, but only on the order of storing elevation values.
At this point the two files will not give you more surprises.
I could easily implement an automatic check on the position of the value of greater height in space by analyzing the first and last line of image pixels, and having opposing provisions in the file, an overthrow of the TGA, but for now I prefer not to.

Ps: The
above, I further modified the shape of the table, smashing it 3DLite with, but that's another story. Make sure however that you have installed the latest version of the viewer.

Update: New build 1.07.02a
What will change? The method of data transmission 3DLite . It 'a change that you will not notice, but it is essential, because it allows 3DLite to have all the information and act on himself in TGA vision while you edit it, save it [3DLite now has rescaling on 3 axes xyz and therefore may be useful to take advantage of it]. This feature
may have introduced bugs to the complexity of data involved, which I do not think you have tested in all combinations, on the oblong ... I'd say that's not really the case count for now. Save only the normal Sculpty (128x128pxl). Needless
groped to save files uploaded 3DLite in DXF format.
decoding is complex, and at the moment are just two programs that can do it, with their conditions and for certain types of files, and DxFACE CAD2Sculpty .
In any case, I started to think about an overall conversion process DXF files on the medium term. If I can not have more limits and by SketchUp, for example, go out with my DXF plugin globale ( che c'è già ), e risalvare in Sculpt qualsiasi cosa.
Sarà un sacrificio di risoluzione perchè per i miracoli non sono abilitato... ma mi prende parecchio stà cosa.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rct3 Platinum How To Get Custom Scenery

DxFACE e 3DLite updated

Piccolo FIX sullo swap delle facce, e opzione di swap facce selezionabile in blocco, per fare prima se vi accorgete, controllando in wireframe , di aver disegnato tutto quanto " da dentro in fuori" ... (ricordare che il numero della faccia eventualmente errata è agevolmente rintracciabile caricando la skin numerata di template ( DxFACE-skin-Template.bmp ), and playing with the option "Hide INVERSE Faces" and the refresh button "Reload Sculpty " of 3DLite ).
In this regard: Update
also 3DLite , sorry but my programs are working in sync, and it is always better to have the latest versions installed in line ...

the login page and link to all the suite is the same, to SecondTGA , soon revamp and make it understandable with the summary of the characteristics of individual programs.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where Can I Watch Operation Repo

Buon Natale con DxFACE !

Sul forum della Linden, Gaia Clary , una delle builder e studiose più esperte, ha presentato in un suo splendido filmato natalizio che non dovete perdervi, la stella a 5 punte.
E io mi son detto, - ma quel che fa Blender, mi si consenta, ma lo deve fare anche DxFACE con SketchUp, cribbio! :))

DxFACE Second Life Sculpties Tool

Monday, December 21, 2009

What Does The Color Green Mean In A Dream

DxFACE 0.0.21 Quick Start (part II)

Come abbattere the number of faces created by SketchUp.
Most of the optimization is obtained by dividing the complex faces (actually composed of many invisible triangles) in 4-sided faces.
DxFACE In this way, combining them will work best, allowing you to create more elaborate objects.

DxFACE Second Life Sculpties Tool

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Diferent Types Of Vigianas

New DxFACE 0.0.20 Quick Start [upd.21b]

Update DxFACE, mostly imported into Second Life three-dimensional objects, created with any installation or CAD with SketchUp, the famous free modeling program Google .

DxFACE è scaricabile qui .

Ricordo che il programma nasce integrandosi con il mio piccolo viewer tridimensionale 3DLite , scaricabile qui , dalla pagina di SecondTGA.

DxFACE è capace di interpretare fino a 32 facce tridimensionali, leggendole da file DXF. Nel pacchetto troverete il plugin DxFACE.rb , tramite il quale Google SketchUp, nella versione 6 free, sarà abilitato a salvare i vostri modelli nel formato DXF occorrente, tipico dei programmi CAD.
Il plugin DxFACE.rb dovrà essere estratto e spostato dalla cartella di DxFACE.
Il suo posto sarà nella cartella Plugins di SketchUp, normalmente collocata in C:\Programmi\Google\Google SketchUp 6\

Qui di di seguito un velocissimo Tutorial step by step elementare, per l'uso con SketchUp . Nella nuova versione è possibile utilizzare anche file che descrivano un numero di facce minore di quello previsto, che è 32.
A lavoro di shape ultimato, caricare su 3DLite l'oggetto, e ricordarsi di selezionare Congiunzione Piana, la stessa che si setterà anche in world, altrimenti la rappresentazione non sarà corretta.

Si potrà quindi passare alla preparazione della texture.
Caricato Skin provvisaria bitmap as the template supplied with the package DxFACE, DxFACE-skin-Template.bmp , you can ascertain the location of points on the matrix map to change at will, finding their position (with color + number) in 3DLite , which emulates exactly the position of Second Life. When editing these areas
Sculpty take face to face the desired texture (Refresh button Sculpty of 3DLite after each save the bitmap, to follow the results in real time).
It 'clear that before this operation should have been copied and set aside the original template, then on Operario saved copy with a new name.

DxFACE is a free importer for three-dimensional objects in Second Life, created with any CAD installation or in SketchUp, the popular free modeling program from Google. DxFACE can be downloaded here . I r emember that the program is allowed to use my small three-dimensional viewer 3DLite, downloadable here by my page for SecondTGA. DxFACE is capable of interpreting three-dimensional faces up to 32, reading from DXF files. In the package you will find the plugin DxFACE.rb, written for Google SketchUp 6 free version, that enables to save your models in the DXF format required. You have to extract the
DxFACE.rb p Lugina and to move it from the folder to the DxFACE SketchUp Plugins folder , Usually located in C: \\ Program Files \\ Google \\ Google SketchUp 6 \\ .

DxFACE Second Life Sculpties Tool

DxFACE Second Life Sculpties Tool

Why in wireframe faces, may be more than 24? It is not a bug, the faces in SketchUp were actually 24, but now DxFACE chose the most elongated and has divided multiplying (see tape) to improve the proportion of texture, which otherwise would have been more distorted, less defined, and more complicated to implement.

Next post: SketchUp Optimize for best performance with DxFACE.

Monday, December 14, 2009

What Do You Put On A Fresh Tattoo

SecondTGA 1.06.1

SecondTGA 1.06.1

I started the redesign of the program , whose heart is written in Rapid-Q, a language that is now showing the years, at least in the graphics. Pe this reason and others, I started building libraries (DLL) have expired.
image, for example, the new (!?!) dialog box, for now only applied to Open BMP and TGA only the File menu. So start sending in the attic vecchia QOPENDIALOG originale. Se ci fossero problemi gradirei un feedback... grazie!

...nel caso qualche Rapid-Quista fosse interessato all'uso della 3Drgb.dll, tra le varie funzioni, che prima poi pubblicherò, quando saranno più mature, riporto qui il codice da includere nel sorgente:

nelle dichiarazioni:

DECLARE FUNCTION OpenFileDialog Lib "3Drgb.DLL" alias "ShowOpenFileDialog" (ByVal wH as long, ByVal fileN as long, ByVal filter as long, ByVal Dir$ as string, ByVal title$ as string) as long

e nelle chiamate, un esempio:

filter$="BMP Files (*.bmp)"+CHR$(0)+"*.bmp"+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)
sFileName = "" sFileName = sFileName + SPACE $ (254-LEN (sFileName))
IF OpenFileDialog (form.handle, VarPtr (sFileName) VarPtr ($ filter), curdir $,"") THEN
sFileName = MID $ (sFileName, 1, INSTR (sFileName, $ chr (0)) -1)

ps: the topic of $ curdir must contain the path to the folder you want to open initially, but it is already a keyword RQ, do not use it as a variable to another location if you bet! (Lol), the last argument, which I left blank, can contain the name of the window, but me the name April
the default was already great. Then, the strings of C, have brought her to handle this and codes of fixed length string of late ... (Double & Sadec. Zero)

NOTICE: major update to the OpenGL-3DLite vers.0.1.5
FIX charge BMP texture FORM 8 out of line byte rgb (eg 512x513pxl)
Formats this kind should not be completely used in three-dimensional graphics, so I never noticed microzozz coding of these cases (crazy as always, brrrr, forget it). However, even this type of BMP, I repeat, not from usare in world, ora 3DLite se le carica correttamente...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mixer Tap Shower Attachment Rubber

SecondTGA 1.06.0 nuova procedura "Sculpty bassorilievo"

Piccolo test su strada, anzi su prato.
Dal BMP sono stati ricavati i due file occorrenti per Second Life.
Il fle TGA, di shape tridimensionale, con la nuova procedura "one click" di SecondTGA , e il file TGA di skin, salvato senza effetto di trasparenza (il canale Alpha qui non serve).
Notare il rescaling al 25% sull'asse Y , che anche in worl dovrà essere settato, e dipende da quanto vogliamo far "crescere" l'erba, e l' option checked conjunction FLAT, which is essential for this type of Sculpty (the find of course Sculpties editor of Second Life).
SecondTGA 1.06.0

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thank You Card Sample To A Husband

3DLite OpenGL version 0.1.4

3DLite OpenGL version 0.1.4

New update for Sculpties viewer of Second Life.
view of the improvement achieved by Linden Lab in the graphic rendering of Sculpties, and especially the new option introduced in LEVEL settings, I started the complete overhaul of the creation "bas" SecondTGA of where this feature PLAN myself now Official Second Life, strives to advance emulation with a trick.
So, even before the release of the new version of the creation SecondTGA "bas" rewritten and improved, I upgraded the viewer, which now allows us to study the depth of Sculpties by rescaling functions on XYZ.

Download HERE.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pain In The Back Of Head After Hit

3DLite OpenGL version 0.1.3a

3DLite OpenGL version 0.1.3a

Major upgrade of the sensitivity of the interface my little viewer for Second Life Sculpties and generic three-dimensional DXF files (see the sample files in the package).
Replacing the initial point of view.
Varied positioning default to full screen the window controls. In the top left was uncomfortable working with a bitmap graphics editor (remember that the penultimate and last flight is the key to recharge skin that shape, in the case have since been modified and saved, and this is the only way I know to test-fly rendering of bitmap).
Set the continuous rotation of the object, if someone wants to hypnotize, you never know ... start to click for the top and leave it by dragging the mouse without releasing the last. To stop, Click again, and that's it. Download

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How To Hide A Tongue Piercing

Tool MirrorNormalize

Tool MirrorNormalize

Blogs stopped for a while ', I had to do, and among the various things I had something that I need to facilitate the work.
I wrote a small tool and place , perhaps never served to someone else.
is used to double (mirror) the contents of a DXF file (generated and read by any CAD).
Bella discovery, they will say, all they do without CAD need for external tools!
Not at all, when used on a CAD operation Mirror (mirror), generated the other half of the sky, oops, shape, exactly backward compared to the existing part.
That is, with the drawing order of the vertices reversed.
In technical jargon it is said the English- ClockWise and Counterclockwise , ie clockwise and counterclockwise.
summary, created something totally unappreciated by all editors or viewers virtual 3D, which will render something visible from the inside half and half out.
With my tool no.
In 3 seconds you will have the object placed in a new file (OutMirror.DXF) impossible to do manually with the subject easier.

Note: Line Mirror mandatory to the origin (0,0,0) and perpendicular to the ordered vector X.

Beige Skirts What Color Of Stockings

The "Project Dependencies"

Saturday, November 28, at the high school auditorium, ADR society has presented the project "The Paradox of dependencies in the age of independence."
presentation on the proposal of the School Council, was addressed to representatives of members of the class students and parents.
The details of the project can be downloaded from the "Files" section of the website of the Parents' Committee, reached by clicking here .

The project, initiated on the recommendation of the previous School Council, has so far involved a limited number of students in the "Focus Group", which in turn will become "facilitators" in the next training course.

E 'duty say that the presentation (unconvincingly, in our opinion, compared to the potential of the project) has raised some concerns among parents with students in mind: some of these concerns are certainly attributed to a wide and imprecise communication within School: add to this that in the previous Council of the Institute, he was born the career of this project, the students were absent.

The next meeting of the School Council will be placed on the agenda the approval of the resolution of expenditure on the project (5,400 € + VAT).

E 'useful here, based on the document that we make available, that the concerns of parents are brought to light (as a comment to this post, or a dialogue on the mailing list of the Parents' Committee) to allow the School Council to clarify aspects that, in the project, critics are more or less convincing (eg, participation in "voluntary" for students, which is likely to select the outset the students more confident and informed than students who would most need to "become aware" of the problem).

Low Hard Cervix Pregnancy

Parents Committee - Minutes meeting of the Committee Meeting 20/11/2009

At the meeting, which saw good participation of parents, there were also parents of first year students, in particular for the latter The outgoing President briefly outlined the composition and function of the Committee, and his (brief) history. They were taken to the great lines of the main topics covered in the previous year, as is provided by an item on the agenda. In particular, he expressed deep appreciation for the imminent renewal of personal computers that came with the computer lab of the classic, I welcome the decision to resort to leasing rather than purchasing.

It is then passed to address the following agenda items:

Election of President and Vice President

As required by the Statute of the Committee, each year we proceed with the renewal of the charges.

E 'was re-elected President Ariemma Leone, and was elected Vice President Marina Cornaglia and Patrick Azzoni.

A heartfelt thanks to Anna who leaves his position as Memmo V icepresidente, played very well last year, due to incompatibility with the office of member of the Institute: Anna wishes for his new commitment.

Courses recovery

Starting from already made last year (see report on the subject) in the parents' committee are still two convictions: firstly, the need for remedial courses, the other strong doubts about their effectiveness. In this regard, it was explained to the parents present the phenomenon of absenteeism by praying to raise awareness among families on the topic in the Class Council.

Another aspect that emerged is that the courses, as well as set up, students share a little bit, while some try to address their shortcomings, others who are not involved in course of recovery could interpret those days as a little vacation. Given that the courses can not be made mandatory for these students, however, could be an interesting experiment involving them in a sort of "team work". In essence, the more prepared students could serve as a tutor of their companions, as long as this is considered useful and feasible by teachers. In our view, this approach will not only engage the "hours-hole" of those who are not required to attend the course, would be a real application of values \u200b\u200b(solidarity, availability, social work, etc. ..) is strongly transmitted from families that by the school. This type of commitment could possibly be considered for the award of credits or whatever would be a source of self-gratification for the most prepared and put them in a position to acquire or improve, if they already possess this quality, their ability transfer of information (a very different thing from having acquired the concepts) that in today's world is very important.

In essence, the Committee asks the directors if the idea can be adopted and tested in classrooms and, if so, to invite the teachers to convey the coordinators of the initiative explaining the reasons and benefits that can accrue to all (students assisted and assistants).

mode of allocation of credits

It has been argued that the current method of calculation and allocation of credits "penalize" those who have excellent academic results and therefore, are at already at the maximum of the fluctuation band of the points of school credit.

However, both because the issue is already addressed in the School Council, and because it touches (unfortunately) a very limited number of students is not expected to further deepen the discussion with the leadership .

However, what has emerged, linked to this discourse, is that there seems to be enough disparities in the use of the range of votes by teachers belonging to the same department. The Committee therefore calls for the leadership invites teachers from the same department to standardize as much as possible the criteria for assessing , so that there are three classes of "penalized" for example in the awarding of college credit.

Education Travel

Particularly for multi-day trips to places abroad, last year had been expressly asked to receive communication from the first board of class about the planned withdrawals: a manner, the reasons for the choice of goals and maybe even cost ...

It seems, however, that this was done in a few classes.

Once again, the invitation to the teachers responsible for communicating to the families as expeditiously as possible all these aspects, explaining the cultural-educational project that leads to the choice of a goal rather than another.

addition, consistent with the curriculum and for deepening the same, the Committee suggests organizing several branches in Piedmont. The latter, in fact, offers many in-depth insights on topics both scientific (and non-renewable energy, waste management, industrial plants, etc. ..) and humanities (various exhibitions on specific themes temporary or permanent).

Although perhaps because students are less like a little sin 'playful appearance, the benefits of this type of outputs are substantial: greater knowledge del territorio nei suoi aspetti ambientali, produttivi e culturali; maggior consapevolezza di realtà che spesso non sono visibili dal “pianeta scuola” e, perché no, costi abbastanza contenuti.

Il Comitato presenterà alla Direzione un elenco di uscite che rispondano ai requisiti suddetti.

Infine, si è espresso apprezzamento per la gita di “socializzazione” effettuata da alcune prime classi nell’ambito del progetto ‘accoglienza’: un’iniziativa da ripetere!

Comunicazione scuola famiglie

Also this year, both for the communication of election day, both for the convening of the class councils, the system of SMS and email has had some flaw, as not all have been advised correctly.

The Committee will raise awareness school managers on the need for more efficient two-way communication between schools and families, including the implementation of Articles 11, 13 and 14 of the Institute approved in November 2008 by the previous Board of Institute .

attention is drawn to the Institute on the theme of both parents: regarding communication with families should be put in place the ratio of the new regulations, in the case of separated parents, requires the signatures of both.


As anticipated at the beginning we welcomed the impending modernization of the computer lab, as well as recent investments in the language labs (interactive whiteboards).

Taking a little 'the ranks of what was discussed last year with the ice V Dean, the Committee calls for a constant and intensive use of laboratories, which contribute, together with the high profile of teachers, to achieve levels of excellence toward which the Newton High School.

E 'absolutely correct that the workshops are one element on which the institution aims to promote the stage with final year students of primary schools on appeal, but must then, subsequently, not to disappoint expectations of those who signed up perhaps attracted by this kind of experience (lesson in the lab).

Several possible

Some parents asked for an explanation about the present "recovery" of the time differential between the time of 60 minutes time "school" of 50 minutes.

Some teachers (10 minutes by adding up the number) have extra lessons on Saturday mornings, others have set a 6 ^ hours in a few days at the end of "ordinary class" to perform searches, etc. ...

We would like to learn more about how this is regulated "recovery" actually exists una regola da applicare o è a discrezione dell’insegnante come e se effettuare il recupero dei 10 minuti in meno di lezione per ogni ora d’insegnamento?

Il Comitato Genitori Newton ringrazia la Dirigenza scolastica per l’utilizzo dei locali e la disponibilità del personale non docente.

La prossima riunione verrà convocata verso la fine del mese di gennaio 2010.

PRESIDENTE: Leone Ariemme

V ICE PRESIDENT: Marina Cornaglia and Patrick Azzoni

SECRETARY: Monica Sappa