Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms More Condition_treatment

DxFACE update v.15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19

DxFACE update v.15

briefly interrupts the post of tutorials to introduce the new version of DxFACE.
representation of the procedure TGA file I added a process invisible to the user, who selects the faces according to their proportions in height and width, and the wheel by placing them horizontally.
This step prepares the new method of charging the texture, that the next version of the program, will readjust.
In other words, a square face will continue to use the texture as a square current template, and a long face will require the setting of a larger texture (in the future new template).
This will lead to a lower deformation texture, with a noticeable improvement in graphics.

Update Vers.18
Implemented the recognition of faces with elongated sides proportionally greater than the 50% that generate the reproductive automatic proportionate 2 to 6 times the face mesh and texture alongside its charge (see numbering multiple).
Six times is the maximum obtainable in the mesh Sculpty, being the last unused column in the flat mode, and the first to be excluded for inability to manage the smoothing on the first side.
template is introduced in a second board gray frame, due to receive a definition of the pixels or textures that are going to be inherent with those of the face to generate the smoothing of the edges. Se pixel e texture della cornice saranno gli stessi della faccia, lo smoothing non sarà quindi aapparentemente applicato, e i bordi della faccia appariranno netti. Nell'immagine, qui sopra, ove il contenuto della cornice grigia è costituito dai pixel neri del template, è invece di conseguenza visibile un bordino perimetrale nero sfumato su ogni faccia

Update vers.19a
Migliorie all'engine e nuova versione 0.0.2 del Plugin per SketchUp.

How Many Cars Does The Family Own

Parents School Council of 19 October 2009

was held Oct. 19 at the high school, the chair of the School Council. In
component parents, we salute the arrival of AnnaMaria Memmo (current vice-president of the Parents' Committee) to replace Luana Giraldo who has resigned for personal reasons: Luana thank for their active and enthusiastic participation that has characterized its presence in the Council this year.

After reading and approval of minutes of previous sessions, were considered some changes to the budget (mainly related to the halving of the regional contribution - Provincial hours - from about 9000 to about 4500 €, and on the allocation of various items spending of about € 14,000 more revenue from the increase of the registration fee).

The Council then voted positively on the proposal of the Electoral Commission with respect to the election of class representatives: elections of the parents will be held Friday, October 30, with assembly class from 16.30 and voting from 17 hours .
The good news is that, unlike last year, this time the students will present at least one list for the renewal of its component in the School Council.

Among the resolutions of expenditure has been approved the expenditure of € 5571 to set up with computers, projector screen and three classrooms for language instruction. In the future they should also come to the overhead: for now I will used in a branch courtesy of our host school.

has also been approved the expenditure of 3763 to replace 8 pc of the secretariat, obsolete (most of this money will then be reversed as the subject of a specific contribution by the Province is currently not exactly quantifiable).

Finally, it was decided the cost of 5400 € for the work relating to this and the next school year, the Project Dependencies, whose approach (based on peer tutor students and to "focus group") is effective in by the teachers and children.
The component required that parents be provided information on the subject specific families, talking about the project to the class representatives.

It was finally discussed contributions to the costs of cleaning and to require the companies to those that require the use of classrooms and gyms.

Of Any Other Business, there was discussion of the cost of photocopies for students (requiring verification costs compared to other schools) and how to evaluate claims.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Present Stroke Victim

DxFACE First Steps (Part 2)

Ora convertiamo il primo oggetto in una Sculpty.
In Google SketchUp il disegno è finito, accertiamoci che effettivamente saranno salvate 32 facce e che quindi l'oggetto sia valido, altrimenti dovremo modificarlo.
Menu File ---> " Valid 3DFACEs Count ")

Now we convert the first object into a Sculpty. The SketchUp drawing is finished and we must ensure that 32 faces
will saved and then the object is valid, otherwise we will have to change it.
( File
Menu ---> " Valid 3Dfaces Count ").
DxFACE First Steps

Nel Menu File scegliamo " Export to DxFACE " e diamogli un nome. A file salvato riceveremo la notifica di validità ( Ready ). E' comunque consigliabile mantenere SketchUp sempre aperto sul modello, in modo da poter intervenire facilmente con variazioni se non dovesse poi piacerci nel file TGA compilato.

In the File Menu we choose " Export to DxFACE " and we give it a name. We will receive the notification of validity ( Ready ). It is always advisable to keep SketchUp running, so you can easily edit the object if you do not like the shape compiled as TGA files.

DxFACE First Steps

Now open the executable DxFACE.exe and load the DXF file using the "Open DXF . The file is converted immediately. If you receive a notification ( Fixed ), we see below, do not worry. Means that the object was drawn with SketchUp larger than allowed for Sculpties SL, and the program has made a resize, bring it to proper scale and taking advantage of the range of sizes allowed. That means that we are going to create the best Sculpty risoluzione possibile.

Now we run the executable DxFACE.exe and we have to load the DXF file via button " Open DXF ". The file is converted immediately. If we receive notification ( Fixed , see below), do not worry. It means that the object was drawn with SketchUp larger than allowed by Sculpty shapes, and the program has also made a resize, bringing the drawing to the right scale and making the best possible size range. Therefore it means that the Sculpty will created at the best possible resolution.
DxFACE First Steps

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Native American Moccasins For Sale

DxFACE First Steps (Part 1)

After installing the plugin for Google SketchUp open the program to see if everything went well. At Menu Plugins we should find such an info ( see image below). Clicking on the menu should open an information window with the version number installed.

After installing the SketchUp Plugin run the program to check it. The Plugins Menu now has a command That opens an information box about the plugin's version.

DxFACE First Steps

In File Menu should appear on the new entry " Valid 3DFACEs Count. "Counts the number of faces that can be used by Sculpty. There will be useful to know at any time when our object, which will have 32 faces , is ready to be exported. In a cube faces course will be 6 or 5, if by "save", we have deleted the hidden face behind. But in the presence of surface holes or complex shapes you can not visually assess the number of polygons, dicing, and to know we trust this utility.

The File menu now has the item " Valid 3DFACEs Count." This command calculates how many faces will be used in the Sculpty. It is useful to know at any time when our object, which will have 32 faces , will be ready to be exported. The faces of a cube are of course 6, or 5, if economising we erased the hidden bottom. But in the presence of surface holes or complex shapes you can not visually assess the number of polygons, and we will to need this utility.

DxFACE First Steps

Sempre nel Menu File avremo poi il comando " Export to DxFACE ", da usare a lavoro ultimato per esportare il file DXF con cui compilare la Sculpty .

" Export in DxFACE " File Menu of the exports DXF files required to compile the Sculpty
When the drawing is done .
DxFACE First Steps

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gay Electro Country Music

DxFACE Second Life Sculpties Tool

I return to also publish up this blog dedicated entirely to the graphics, up to now housed along with other things on my main blog imitidicthulhu .
This first post in the new series refers to the last tool I'm working on: DxFACE, on the importance of three-dimensional objects in Second Life, created with any installation or CAD with SketchUp the famous free modeling program from Google.

DxFACE can be downloaded here.
In the next post I will explain the characteristics, potentials and methods of use.
For now remember that the program was created by integrating with my little three-dimensional viewer 3DLite, downloadable here, by my page for SecondTGA.

DxFACE is capable of interpreting three-dimensional faces up to 32, reading from DXF files. In the package you will find the plugin DxFACE.rb, through which Google SketchUp, the free version, will be allowed to save your models in DXF format required, typical CAD programs.
DxFACE.rb The plugin will be removed and moved from the folder DxFACE.
His place will be in the SketchUp Plugins folder, usually located in C: \\ Program Files \\ Google \\ Google SketchUp 6 \\

Below is an example of Sculpty unique, created on the fly with 32 faces in the DXF format, and saved for Second Life. The texture loaded on the faces is provided in the package as BMP, and is a useful template to differentiate faces, numbers and colors, the editing phase of the skin bitmap.

DxFACE importer for free is a three-dimensional objects in Second Life, created with any CAD installation or in SketchUp, the popular free modeling program from Google. DxFACE can be downloaded here . In the next posts I will explain the characteristics, potentials and methods of use. For now remember that the program is allowed to use my small three-dimensional viewer 3DLite, downloadable here by my page for SecondTGA. DxFACE is capable of interpreting three-dimensional faces up to 32, reading from DXF files. In the package you will find the plugin DxFACE.rb, written for Google SketchUp 6 free version, that enables to save your models in the DXF format required. You have to extract the
DxFACE.rb p lugin and to move it from the DxFACE folder to the SketchUp Plugins folder, usually located in C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\ . Below the example of a single Sculpty, created with 32 faces into the required DXF format, and saved in TGA for Second Life. The texture loaded on the faces is provided in the DxFACE's package, such as BMP, and it is a useful template to differentiate faces, numbers and colors while you have to edit the skin for the Sculpty.
DxFACE Second Life Sculpties Tool