Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I Forgot My Combination To My Master Lock

Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What's It Take To Be In The Navy
WALKING SLOW BUT Past continues,
wants to walk "miles of Illusions" ..
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dalmatian Hamsters Size
This blog will remain accessible with the sole function of file, but will no longer be updated. We look forward
beyond :-)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Brazilian Wax Infectio

I shudder to see certain scenes on TV,
applaud a boss taken by people who risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones to seek to affirm its legality.
but what applaud
that because of these supposed masters the south falls more and more 'out of favor,
what clap
that every day someone walks away from our land
because here 'aspirations are closed,
but What applaud
che c'è gente che studia e che son quelle che potrebbero farci fare il salto di qualità
e invece non vengono tutelati,
perchè conta piu' essere della "cosca" che un semplice laureato,
ma cosa applaudi
che pian piano scivoliamo in un fondo senza fine,
ma cosa applaudi
"scum" ignorant, bound by the concept of power,
but what applaud
see while sinking your land .
honor you who risk their lives
and go ahead despite the marked part is still applauded!!
takes sleeping on the stomach ...
... to endure all ques to!!
contained in the book "Two worlds face to face"
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Can I Get Into The Military With Gential Herpes
Plugin for Google SketchUp, enabling the creation of file formats POV from an original of SketchUp that can be used by POV- Ray for rendering objects
The new version reduces the excessive verbosity of decimal floating point in the SU and uses meshes that group faces, in view of the future addition of a smoothing feature, which in POV-Ray is no longer on bugata smooth_triangle entity. Unfortunately it seems that only the next version 4 of POV-Ray will solve the problem, but in the meantime, to improve il mio parser, ho dovuto iniziare ad adottare queste entità meshes, che personalmente trovo assai meno compatibili e versatili rispetto alle FACEs tradizionali, utilizzate fin dall'inizio da tutti i motori 3D.
Il file di plugin SkUp2Ray.rbs andrà decompresso e copiato nella cartella Plugin di SketchUp 8 , che lo caricherà automaticamente all'avvio, nel menu "File", ogni altra operazione sarà automatica.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Will My Iphone Work In Japan
It' s a timeless memory
It 's a bit like wasting time
Living Eeeh and smile
Living Living
It 's been so long
Living Living
It' s a timeless memory
Living Living
It 's a bit like wasting time
of Living and smile trouble
Just like you've never done
And then to think that tomorrow will be better
have no time today
Today I want to stay off
live and hope to feel better and live
never be happy
live and be at the time
Living like laughing
Living Living
Even if you're dead inside
Living Living
And you have to be happy
Living Living
It 's like a commandment
live or survive without losing heart never
And fight and fight against all
have no time today I want to be off today
Living Living
And hope to get better
Living Living
and never be happy
Living And Living
be at the wind To live
and smile in trouble
Just like you've made
And then to think that tomorrow will be better ...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Southpark It's The Japanese
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Vote Of Thanks Speech For A Wedding
Monday, November 1, 2010
Scanner Telescopic Antenna
Tool for Google SketchUp, enabling export of texture files of type JPG and PNG files contained on the SketchUp SKP used to save his models.
The zip file will be decompressed, and the executable skp2jpg.exe will remain in the same folder as the library 3Drgb.dll.
Why Does Alabama Have 12 On Football Helmets
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Eagle Metal Core For Sale
Plugin for Google SketchUp, enables the export of three-dimensional files in DXF (AutoCAD).
E 'can then import and edit your CAD on any item in the huge library of objects and buildings of Google, even with blocks and instances nested (however paying attention to the respect of any copyrights).
The zip file will be decompressed, and placed in the folder plugin SkUp2dxf.rbs SketchUp Plugin 8, it will load at startup, in the "File" menu. Any other operation will be automatic
v0.1.4 Updated add a lot faster engine
Monday, October 25, 2010
How To Get My Wife To Wear Stockings
I had always been a dream, a wish that I brought with me a long time ... Vasco was writing about something that turned me on so much on my mind .... I brought the book to the proper authorities in my area but people are too busy doing other things in order to become aware of the hopes and dreams of our young , so I took a day and I decided that this book could also produce alone, and so I did ....
I threw my heart over the obstacle, I believed in a phrase that I bounced on his head for a long, perhaps too long and that is that "everyone can be anything you want to know you can not lose what you have ".... so I believed in what I wrote in, I brought it to myself and started a new journey, a journey that led me to know personal sides "unknown" ... I know everything I will bring no material gain but I'm sure that will fill my soul and heart of "new hope "....
... This is a book that will dial-a-duologia never published before: A COMPARISON OF TWO WORLDS. That of a common fan and that of his idol (Vasco). Two worlds meet, two historical and social contexts so different but equal to each other ... the hopes, dreams, illusions, through the stories that follow between the two realities ... A lot of fans like that, starting from his world to meet his idol ... life in a story between songs and thoughts.
the book is on the virtual library www.ilmiolibro.it
TO ORDER THE BOOK CONTACT THE EMAIL davidebeltrano @ libero.it The book will come to your home! Price 14 € (including VAT and delivery charges).
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Averagebmi Of Uk Women By Age
Plugin for Google SketchUp, enables import of three-dimensional files in DXF (AutoCAD).
the picture an object imported via the Google SketchUp plug-in version 8 (above), compared with the same object imported via the command native Google SketchUp 6 (command deleted and no longer available in the current version if free in progress , released recently by Google).
The faces are rendered with the same criterion, ie by 4-sided polygons where possible (if the vertices are coplanar then).
The plugin also (unlike Goggle SketchUp), maintains a position of the origin of the axes 0,0,0 x, y, z. This choice has improved and important in order to have control over the mutual position of objects loaded in succession with the command import DXF.
The zip file will be decompressed, and placed in the folder plugin dxf2SkUp.rbs SketchUp Plugin 8, it will load at startup, in the "File" menu. Any other operation will be automatic.
The current version supports only entities 3DFACEs.
v.0.0.2 to fix degenerate triangles (pseudo points and lines, not allowed by Google SketchUp).
v.0.0.3 new engine: faces with four edges if possible (on coplanar points).
v.0.0.4 optimized, Each imported file Creates a group.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What To Write In A Sisters Wedding Card
We always dreamed that a reckless life, maybe not calculated, but still more unpredictable. We argue that Vasco even in its darker passages' cause for us to be objective and 'important, but respect the person even before the artist and the' even more. We us excited for a new single, that we care about a dubious statement, we do the countdown waiting for the fateful day the concert. We have no need to make comparisons with ages, with other artists, with time passing, but we believe only in our feelings. We who are convinced that Vasco tell us the contemporary history, since its success in the years' 80 engine was of a society that was changing was the era of ideologies of values \u200b\u200bthey believe was born the era of the ebb and youth Vasco it was promoted with phrases " generation of upset that they no longer holy heroes ... Then in the years' 90 Vasco continued to make history by identifying the first of all, the change of TV who had not more 'moralizing function, as was exploding the worship of appearances, also through words such as arrogance, bullying has also told the wars of those years. Then came 'the new millennium and Vasco continued, and continues to tell the story and' around us, where there are more compact masses, but only one myriad of diverse individuals as varied as are the values \u200b\u200bof today.
telling himself Vasco, tells the others, when he speaks of reality 'that destroys the dreams, tells the truth about millions of kids who sacrifice so much but then find themselves unable to find a job thus leaving room for illusions, so do not dream a better world, but only different and then you take refuge in love, someone who loves us and try to be there to take the forces to react. Vasco for us is all of this is a storm of emotions different going on regardless of the passage of time ... Some people say I exaggerate ... but I do not care about what ... inspire them have never seen THAT 'Albachiara appear from behind the mountain!
... It 's finished a tour, a trip is over, is over a piece of history and another if they unfolding before our eyes ... Everyone has lived his leg, everyone has experienced their own "Blasco Rossi," everyone has enjoyed his show! A magical tour, at one point seemed almost infinite, an unforgettable tour, one of the most beautiful, one of the most special ... Vasco had the desire to "look people in the face", was a little tired of the crowds, concert-event, now felt the need more intimacy with his audience, and so began a new path that has seen inside the affirmation of a relentless success, now endless. There have been several stages of this history, it all began on 1 July 2009 when the new official website announced the tour 2009/2010, but this time there was a surprise, this time the European tour was also ... but not Vasco because he had the desire to be known abroad, but because it was nice to bring the people Blasco of a trespass, to bring some of its sound energy in places perhaps too calm, too quiet.
has come so true to the first performance, in Pesaro ... Here Vasco and the whole band had a little argument for the first show of this new tour, a tension but had no effect on the exhibition of the musicians and especially on that of Vasco that 4 evenings ha inondato Pesaro con la sua nuova forza!!
Dopo Pesaro ci si è spostati ad Ancona per altre 4 serate, quì tutti erano un pò più rilassati e bisogna dire che l'esecuzione della scaletta è andata migliorando di data in data, inoltre il pubblico di Ancona, si è confermato uno dei più affezionati al Blasco che già nel 2007 aveva fatto visita alla bella Ancona con il concerto allo Stadio del Conero ...A questo punto il tour ha fatto tappa nel meridione, a Caserta, l'unica tappa del sud, proprio per questo c'era una certa tensione positiva della band e da parte di Vasco, che era ben consapevole del grande bagno di folla che lo avrebbe atteso, infatti, è così ogni volta che decide (anche se infondo non è lui a scegliere le città ma è il contrario) di toccare il Sud!!! Questa strana tensione si percepiva in the rest of the organization, especially in the first date, it is really not up with incredible file outside the gates and many complaints from the public but once placed these "difficulties" for 4 the evenings Palamaggiò literally exploded, accepting Vasco as a King absolute ", 4 unforgettable nights for all the people of Blasco. A questo punto è arrivata la pausa del tour e nel frattempo è uscita la raccolta T racks 2 che ci ha regalato 3 inediti di cui uno era già in scaletta...

Da Londra si è poi spostati a Bruxelles, altra grande emozione e altro grande concerto dove Vasco quì era ancora più sciolto e dove si è creato un connubio davvero speciale in quella data; da Bruxelles si passa a Zurigo e qui ci si è sentiti un pò più a casa, la pressione era minore rispetto al primo concerto e il pubblico era più caldo che mai, un altro grande bagno di folla!!! Finally and unfortunately, it was down to the last leg of European tour, Berlin ! Here another very special feeling, a place where the Italians are not seen "so well" and that the lust to give the cold Berlin a rock concert in all it was really great pizza and mandolin ... but ... many fans have flocked Blasco to enjoy a truly unique ...
.... now all know already homesick .... but let's move on ... CORRESPONDING TO EACH END A NEW BEGINNING ......