We always dreamed that a reckless life, maybe not calculated, but still more unpredictable. We argue that Vasco even in its darker passages' cause for us to be objective and 'important, but respect the person even before the artist and the' even more. We us excited for a new single, that we care about a dubious statement, we do the countdown waiting for the fateful day the concert. We have no need to make comparisons with ages, with other artists, with time passing, but we believe only in our feelings. We who are convinced that Vasco tell us the contemporary history, since its success in the years' 80 engine was of a society that was changing was the era of ideologies of values \u200b\u200bthey believe was born the era of the ebb and youth Vasco it was promoted with phrases " generation of upset that they no longer holy heroes ... Then in the years' 90 Vasco continued to make history by identifying the first of all, the change of TV who had not more 'moralizing function, as was exploding the worship of appearances, also through words such as arrogance, bullying has also told the wars of those years. Then came 'the new millennium and Vasco continued, and continues to tell the story and' around us, where there are more compact masses, but only one myriad of diverse individuals as varied as are the values \u200b\u200bof today.
telling himself Vasco, tells the others, when he speaks of reality 'that destroys the dreams, tells the truth about millions of kids who sacrifice so much but then find themselves unable to find a job thus leaving room for illusions, so do not dream a better world, but only different and then you take refuge in love, someone who loves us and try to be there to take the forces to react. Vasco for us is all of this is a storm of emotions different going on regardless of the passage of time ... Some people say I exaggerate ... but I do not care about what ... inspire them have never seen THAT 'Albachiara appear from behind the mountain!
... It 's finished a tour, a trip is over, is over a piece of history and another if they unfolding before our eyes ... Everyone has lived his leg, everyone has experienced their own "Blasco Rossi," everyone has enjoyed his show! A magical tour, at one point seemed almost infinite, an unforgettable tour, one of the most beautiful, one of the most special ... Vasco had the desire to "look people in the face", was a little tired of the crowds, concert-event, now felt the need more intimacy with his audience, and so began a new path that has seen inside the affirmation of a relentless success, now endless. There have been several stages of this history, it all began on 1 July 2009 when the new official website announced the tour 2009/2010, but this time there was a surprise, this time the European tour was also ... but not Vasco because he had the desire to be known abroad, but because it was nice to bring the people Blasco of a trespass, to bring some of its sound energy in places perhaps too calm, too quiet.
We always dreamed that a reckless life, maybe not calculated, but still more unpredictable. We argue that Vasco even in its darker passages' cause for us to be objective and 'important, but respect the person even before the artist and the' even more. We us excited for a new single, that we care about a dubious statement, we do the countdown waiting for the fateful day the concert. We have no need to make comparisons with ages, with other artists, with time passing, but we believe only in our feelings. We who are convinced that Vasco tell us the contemporary history, since its success in the years' 80 engine was of a society that was changing was the era of ideologies of values \u200b\u200bthey believe was born the era of the ebb and youth Vasco it was promoted with phrases " generation of upset that they no longer holy heroes ... Then in the years' 90 Vasco continued to make history by identifying the first of all, the change of TV who had not more 'moralizing function, as was exploding the worship of appearances, also through words such as arrogance, bullying has also told the wars of those years. Then came 'the new millennium and Vasco continued, and continues to tell the story and' around us, where there are more compact masses, but only one myriad of diverse individuals as varied as are the values \u200b\u200bof today.
telling himself Vasco, tells the others, when he speaks of reality 'that destroys the dreams, tells the truth about millions of kids who sacrifice so much but then find themselves unable to find a job thus leaving room for illusions, so do not dream a better world, but only different and then you take refuge in love, someone who loves us and try to be there to take the forces to react. Vasco for us is all of this is a storm of emotions different going on regardless of the passage of time ... Some people say I exaggerate ... but I do not care about what ... inspire them have never seen THAT 'Albachiara appear from behind the mountain!
... It 's finished a tour, a trip is over, is over a piece of history and another if they unfolding before our eyes ... Everyone has lived his leg, everyone has experienced their own "Blasco Rossi," everyone has enjoyed his show! A magical tour, at one point seemed almost infinite, an unforgettable tour, one of the most beautiful, one of the most special ... Vasco had the desire to "look people in the face", was a little tired of the crowds, concert-event, now felt the need more intimacy with his audience, and so began a new path that has seen inside the affirmation of a relentless success, now endless. There have been several stages of this history, it all began on 1 July 2009 when the new official website announced the tour 2009/2010, but this time there was a surprise, this time the European tour was also ... but not Vasco because he had the desire to be known abroad, but because it was nice to bring the people Blasco of a trespass, to bring some of its sound energy in places perhaps too calm, too quiet.
So it all started with the usual date zero, this time to Mantua, a beautiful place, a beautiful city to experience a new lineup to try the new songs ... There was a long wait just to find out this time as it was structured the lineup and you have to say that many pieces left by the "pleasure in the mouth" a lot of people, including the magnificent entrance with " a great movie ...
has come so true to the first performance, in Pesaro ... Here Vasco and the whole band had a little argument for the first show of this new tour, a tension but had no effect on the exhibition of the musicians and especially on that of Vasco that 4 evenings ha inondato Pesaro con la sua nuova forza!!
Dopo Pesaro ci si è spostati ad Ancona per altre 4 serate, quì tutti erano un pò più rilassati e bisogna dire che l'esecuzione della scaletta è andata migliorando di data in data, inoltre il pubblico di Ancona, si è confermato uno dei più affezionati al Blasco che già nel 2007 aveva fatto visita alla bella Ancona con il concerto allo Stadio del Conero ...A questo punto il tour ha fatto tappa nel meridione, a Caserta, l'unica tappa del sud, proprio per questo c'era una certa tensione positiva della band e da parte di Vasco, che era ben consapevole del grande bagno di folla che lo avrebbe atteso, infatti, è così ogni volta che decide (anche se infondo non è lui a scegliere le città ma è il contrario) di toccare il Sud!!! Questa strana tensione si percepiva in the rest of the organization, especially in the first date, it is really not up with incredible file outside the gates and many complaints from the public but once placed these "difficulties" for 4 the evenings Palamaggiò literally exploded, accepting Vasco as a King absolute ", 4 unforgettable nights for all the people of Blasco. A questo punto è arrivata la pausa del tour e nel frattempo è uscita la raccolta T racks 2 che ci ha regalato 3 inediti di cui uno era già in scaletta...
has come so true to the first performance, in Pesaro ... Here Vasco and the whole band had a little argument for the first show of this new tour, a tension but had no effect on the exhibition of the musicians and especially on that of Vasco that 4 evenings ha inondato Pesaro con la sua nuova forza!!
Dopo Pesaro ci si è spostati ad Ancona per altre 4 serate, quì tutti erano un pò più rilassati e bisogna dire che l'esecuzione della scaletta è andata migliorando di data in data, inoltre il pubblico di Ancona, si è confermato uno dei più affezionati al Blasco che già nel 2007 aveva fatto visita alla bella Ancona con il concerto allo Stadio del Conero ...A questo punto il tour ha fatto tappa nel meridione, a Caserta, l'unica tappa del sud, proprio per questo c'era una certa tensione positiva della band e da parte di Vasco, che era ben consapevole del grande bagno di folla che lo avrebbe atteso, infatti, è così ogni volta che decide (anche se infondo non è lui a scegliere le città ma è il contrario) di toccare il Sud!!! Questa strana tensione si percepiva in the rest of the organization, especially in the first date, it is really not up with incredible file outside the gates and many complaints from the public but once placed these "difficulties" for 4 the evenings Palamaggiò literally exploded, accepting Vasco as a King absolute ", 4 unforgettable nights for all the people of Blasco. A questo punto è arrivata la pausa del tour e nel frattempo è uscita la raccolta T racks 2 che ci ha regalato 3 inediti di cui uno era già in scaletta...
A febbraio si è ripartiti da Milano , ma questa volta non a San Siro as Vasco has used for years, but to Forum of Assago, where for well 8 evenings (record) Vasco has warmed the city in the throes of a snowstorm, but that 'did not block the influx of large numbers of people for various events ... The entry is changed ( I had a dream instead of a great movie ) and the rest of the lineup has remained unchanged, except for some substitutions such as bubbles and to live without you every time for the last indedito I'm thinking of you ... Once again the band proved at improving evening in the evening and also Vasco also gave us many pearls in acoustic medley, thus giving the people of Milan moments hard to forget ... by Milan you go to Torino ... and here is a nation that has always given much love to Vasco, a city that every time the Blasco touches explodes with energy! dates in a fantastic building, the Palaisozaki, and Vasco the height of his form and gave incredible performances accompanied by a band that followed him with a disarming line ...

After Torino the tour had an important direction, "decisive", he crossed the border and has returned in Europe where Vasco not played since 1997 ... the first step was London here ... all those who were more 'rough' play in new places, with different audiences, what effect it would have done? Of course, a magical effect, see the people of Vasco flows out of the ' Italy was one of the most beautiful things This tour is as if the ' Italy it was appropriate for local foreign e avrebbe fatto di essi la sua casa... Londra è stata fantastica una delle migliori date in assoluto, tutta la band era emozionata ma il più toccato da tutto ciò era Vasco, che in quel concerto mostrava una luce diversa nei suoi occhi...da questa splendida data è stato poi tratto un magnifico doppio cd...
Da Londra si è poi spostati a Bruxelles, altra grande emozione e altro grande concerto dove Vasco quì era ancora più sciolto e dove si è creato un connubio davvero speciale in quella data; da Bruxelles si passa a Zurigo e qui ci si è sentiti un pò più a casa, la pressione era minore rispetto al primo concerto e il pubblico era più caldo che mai, un altro grande bagno di folla!!! Finally and unfortunately, it was down to the last leg of European tour, Berlin ! Here another very special feeling, a place where the Italians are not seen "so well" and that the lust to give the cold Berlin a rock concert in all it was really great pizza and mandolin ... but ... many fans have flocked Blasco to enjoy a truly unique ...
Da Londra si è poi spostati a Bruxelles, altra grande emozione e altro grande concerto dove Vasco quì era ancora più sciolto e dove si è creato un connubio davvero speciale in quella data; da Bruxelles si passa a Zurigo e qui ci si è sentiti un pò più a casa, la pressione era minore rispetto al primo concerto e il pubblico era più caldo che mai, un altro grande bagno di folla!!! Finally and unfortunately, it was down to the last leg of European tour, Berlin ! Here another very special feeling, a place where the Italians are not seen "so well" and that the lust to give the cold Berlin a rock concert in all it was really great pizza and mandolin ... but ... many fans have flocked Blasco to enjoy a truly unique ...
So the tour has stopped for the arrival of summer and we have restarted in September with another special concert, Cagliari, all this time ' open ... while the band saw replacement, Matt Laugh for a leg ailment had temporarily "deserting" the tour and in its place was called Glen Sobel, another incredible drummer who has now placed perfectly in the band .... Vasco really was a little tense this time because of the pieces that Sobel had to learn quickly, but everything went smoothly and the warm atmosphere of Cagliari has created a real event for the whole city, an unforgettable setting with more 'to 20 thousand spectators to explode the arrival of Vasco, that has shown great form in these concerts, this really is a great concert, to be commemorated by ... Cagliari we moved to Bologna , here Vasco playing at home and for this reason, these concerts are in their own way were truly "unique" ...
Vasco heard these dates in a particular way and many friends have flocked to see him and he reciprocated this visit 6 evenings all rock where everything is shot perfectly and where the audience is left overwhelmed by the communicative power of Vasco, who, surprised the public by entering a song last night (of 1988) that will be part of new CD entitled (should be) " Cursed song ” e inoltre ha riproposto la splendida cover di Battisti “ Supermarket ”, libidine estrema è arrivati cosi' alle due serate di Bolzano , qualcuno credeva che queste potessero essere 2 concerti sottotono ma si è dovuto subito ricredere, in quanto c'è stata great energy by all the public and a Vasco on stage felt this force, and gave the city of Bolzano 2 phenomenal performances, I would say perfect .. so we came to the last city Florence , 4 evenings in a city that now adopted Vasco for years ... the band turned to perfection while Vasco is made more so 'in view of its well-earned rest, the last night so it has become perhaps the most beautiful even more sad because you were aware that this trip had come to an end now ... It ends here 'this long and amazing journey that has led Vasco to shoot for' Italy and the ' Europe and which has seen its public offer an incredible sight that encloses within it the entire career of "that man" of Zocca ... we moved and we cried and everyone has experienced its Vasco Rossi. O stating that each has experienced the emotions among those of others, we went to these concerts, as if we went to visit one of our dear friend and it, only because to his words and his music, and it reassures us a precious moment of our lives!
"Dear Friend" , you always say that music can not 'change the world but only the color of a day, but I've changed color of a life ! Yeah, 'cause when I 16 years I left a great dream and I felt lost on the roads of life! I know you a little more slowly and life was slipping more and more 'hands, I did not know what I would do in life if not that, I felt disconnected from reality! ! Then one day I went from a record store was one of your DVDs and your voice from the speaker that I screamed " we only noiiiiiiii ... . slowly I began to listen more and more 'and my life began to get a sense precisely because' with those words I felt less alone, I felt safer ... well this time I passed, although many times the weight of the memories are still facing from my view but this time I know that not alone, I know there are the and your words give me courage ! Well maybe you'll never know how much strength they have given me your words, how many times I had the feeling that what 'you said was already' inside of me before you even sing !
And so began a different journey with you, an endless journey, a bit 'like this s plendido tour !! Many do not understand, but many say ..... well founded and a song for me are the points of reference and no exaggeration to say that thanks to your song, but also your personality, I improved my many sides of the character ... well I thank you as a true friend , yes, a friend perhaps imaginary, but still a Friend !....
.... now all know already homesick .... but let's move on ... CORRESPONDING TO EACH END A NEW BEGINNING ......
.... now all know already homesick .... but let's move on ... CORRESPONDING TO EACH END A NEW BEGINNING ......
-T ll photos were kindly provided by Henry Ruggeri -
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