I shudder to see certain scenes on TV,
applaud a boss taken by people who risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones to seek to affirm its legality.
but what applaud
that because of these supposed masters the south falls more and more 'out of favor,
what clap
that every day someone walks away from our land
because here 'aspirations are closed,
but What applaud
che c'è gente che studia e che son quelle che potrebbero farci fare il salto di qualità
e invece non vengono tutelati,
perchè conta piu' essere della "cosca" che un semplice laureato,
ma cosa applaudi
che pian piano scivoliamo in un fondo senza fine,
ma cosa applaudi
"scum" ignorant, bound by the concept of power,
but what applaud
see while sinking your land .
honor you who risk their lives
and go ahead despite the marked part is still applauded!!
takes sleeping on the stomach ...
... to endure all ques to!!
contained in the book "Two worlds face to face"
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