interesting and discussed the items on the day of the Council, focusing mainly on the approval of the 2009 Annual program that draws on the figure of € 576,650.
Among the decisions taken (by unanimity of those present), what more can be discussed is the ' increase in admission fee from the school year 2009-2010, which would increase from 90 to 120 €.
The cause is unknown, alas: the constant reduction of transfers from the Ministry and local authorities (and the situation, following the Government's policies on education, can only worsen in coming years). If
as representatives of parents are well aware that this is not the most popular time for families to ask for an additional cost, because we voted for:
Among the decisions taken (by unanimity of those present), what more can be discussed is the ' increase in admission fee from the school year 2009-2010, which would increase from 90 to 120 €.
The cause is unknown, alas: the constant reduction of transfers from the Ministry and local authorities (and the situation, following the Government's policies on education, can only worsen in coming years). If
as representatives of parents are well aware that this is not the most popular time for families to ask for an additional cost, because we voted for:
- € 30 a year, they represent a large increase in relative terms, seem to us a figure, however, be borne by the families;
- the earmarking of funds for a future renewal of language and computer laboratories (which have 12 and 6 years old!) is necessary to save them from obsolescence, however
- increase the costs, rightly, to a more intense use of technology by students and teachers;
- the level of aid was stopped for three years, and still below the average of the contributions required by schools in the territory counterparts.
It is open then (at the request of the parents) a discussion of Educational trips, which began in the Executive Committee, which has led to share the following asserzioni:
- viene ribadito il valore didattico e "sociale" dei Viaggi di Istruzione;
- si invita la Commissione Viaggi ad un'operazione di calmieramento di prezzi per i viaggi futuri, tenuto conto della situazione esterna di crisi economica che mette sempre più in difficoltà le famiglie;
- si ritiene accettabile che i genitori, in sede di Consiglio di Classe, possano proporre agenzie specifiche in aggiunta a quelle a cui normalmente si riferisce la Commissione, ma si demanda comunque alla scuola il compito di richiedere preventivi, per garantire l'omogeneità dei requisiti richiesti e rendere effettivamente confrontabili i preventivi.
Un altro punto all'ordine of the day, always at the request of member parents, concerned by the recent story of 5 conduct related to the employment of the Institute (which ended with some vandalism) occurred in November in the wake of protests against the Gelmini decree. Recognizing that
- 5 in the conduct is not a disciplinary measure, but a vote on the behavior of students in schools outside the normal teaching (which was not affected by employment);
- vote of conduct is the sole ownership of the faculty member of Faculty Council, and the votes in question were decided unanimously by the board;
- 5 in the conduct provided in the first quarter will not affect future assessments;
parents have requested, the Council, whether, in combination with voting behavior, has been made by the teachers a path of dialogue with the boys stakeholders to jointly develop the complex experience, however, as called for by the parents' open letter on the subject of employment, and do not take the risk to play the 5 as a simple punishment for busy ".
Teachers have offered ample reassurance in this regard: the path has been shared with boys and with representatives in the Class Council.
It was agreed to continue the discussion on the theme of "Respect for the law" with further action at the school, in the wake of the intervention, for example, last school year, Davide Mattiello of "Freedom", the association founded by Don Ciotti.
Another point of discussion was the recent research of the founding Agnelli that, based on the results of the university enrolled in three universities in Piedmont, has called a "ranking" of schools in Piedmont that Newton sees the first in the region and first place in the province of Turin.
The research - the first experience of its kind - highlights the excellent performance of schools "provincial" and state institutions (non-state schools have placed much less honorable).
Teachers have offered ample reassurance in this regard: the path has been shared with boys and with representatives in the Class Council.
It was agreed to continue the discussion on the theme of "Respect for the law" with further action at the school, in the wake of the intervention, for example, last school year, Davide Mattiello of "Freedom", the association founded by Don Ciotti.
Another point of discussion was the recent research of the founding Agnelli that, based on the results of the university enrolled in three universities in Piedmont, has called a "ranking" of schools in Piedmont that Newton sees the first in the region and first place in the province of Turin.
The research - the first experience of its kind - highlights the excellent performance of schools "provincial" and state institutions (non-state schools have placed much less honorable).
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