receive and publish the Committee Parents and Students of Liceo di Rivoli Darwin:
have passed almost three months after the tragedy that struck Darwin School of Rivoli, and apart from the initial echo to the national level, there is a feeling that the focus on each other tends to loosen and blur. The public imagines that fact with the return of 17 out of 43 classes in the morning (on 7 January at the former school complex Media L EVI) and the expected future return in early May at the premises of the seminary , everything is solved.
not, well, not just in order to refocus attention on the difficulties that students, faculty and families are living has been the COMMITTEE Students and Parents Liceo Scientifico Charles Darwin Rivoli.
One of the first practical acts which the Committee has decided to do is write a open letter to Education Minister Maria Stella Gelmini Dr. I ask you to publish in order to give all possible visibility to what is required.
Sure you want to give this the attention that our mail and waiting for your feedback, greeting separately.
Rest course available for any clarification / need and thank you in advance.
Committee Darwin High School Students and Parents RivoliFabio Gorini
c / o comitato.darwin @
tel: 3357782240
Committee High School Students and Parents Charles Darwin RivoliOpen letter to Minister of Education Dr. Maria Stella
DC Council of the Institute High School Darwin
Department Education Piedmont Education Department
Province of Turin Rivoli
City Mayor Office Provincial School Prefect of Turin MPI
Agency Metropolitan Mobility
Subject: Darwin High School Rivoli: request for extraordinary intervention
has been more than two months after the tragedy that struck our high school and a month and a half after the letter
the Presidency of the Darwin High School and the Council of The Institute
have addressed.
The letter bore the heartfelt request for your intervention, which initiates emergency procedures and
destinasse fondi straordinari per il Darwin, allo scopo di restituire ai mille studenti del Liceo, alle loro famiglie e al personale dell’Istituto la normalità, condizione indispensabile per superare, senza mai dimenticare, il profondo trauma subito, per terminare l’anno scolastico con profitto accettabile e per poter guardare con fiducia agli anni di studio futuri.
In questi mesi studenti e insegnanti hanno continuato a lavorare, superando pesanti disagi con
serietà, tenacia e dedizione, dapprima il pomeriggio, fino alle 19, ospiti degli Istituti Natta e
Vittorini, e ora in parte al mattino, ospiti nei locali della ex Scuola Media Levi, parzialmente
riadattati con l’intervento the Province and partly in the afternoon at the Institute Natta. In Darwin
users converge to a very large basin and transport lines were
reorganized several times, but travel time and stay 'away from home "have expanded dramatically in
(starting before 12 to get back in the evening after 20, or before 7 am and come home for lunch after the 15) with a heavy increase in effort and a drastic reduction of time to devote to study.
Mindful of the emergency we are enduring hardship and fatigue, but what really worries
is the distortion of the teaching, we are a High School, part of the PNI and experimental courses, but there are laboratories available, or computer or otherwise, are suspended all the afternoon activities, such claims are not achievable, they prepare the final examinations of increasing difficulty and effort, it undergoes a large variation in relation to comparable students in other realities.
If you can accept this for a few months, it is not conceivable to keep going even
next year.
The intervention of the Province of Turin has allowed in little more than a month to restructure (
with more than 120,000 euro) a Levi part of the school, where classes fifth, fourth and some of those hours with more than 30 hours, have taken over the frequency morning (however, as mentioned above, without labs) and to prepare, approve and fund, with about 900,000 euro a restructuring plan is part of the building "proper" of Darwin. The work began and will end in late April, allowing the return home of some of the classes.
Piedmont Region has also allocated € 500,000 and the Province is looking, with many difficulties, new money, to find the missing amount needed to fund the remaining work.
Lacking funds, not all students will be able to return to their school at the beginning of the next school year and
, however, even for those who can return, there will be the availability of all
space needed for teaching and in particular the availability of the gyms.
In this contingency, it is with deep sadness and disappointment that we have to remark the absence of any intervention on the part of his ministry: the confident and polite request sent to Dec. 18, not only is not a positive response, but there is was no answer, as if the letter in question had never existed.
It is therefore with surprise and disbelief that we learned through the media reported that
His recent statements that the safety of school buildings "is a top priority and which will be stanziate «risorse molto importanti», indicate dai media in «una quota delle risorse del Fondo Aree Sottoutilizzate (prevista nel decreto anticrisi); 300 milioni di euro per il 2008 e altrettanti per il 2009; altri 100 milioni grazie a un’intesa con l’Inail; il 5% del Fondo per le Infrastrutture Strategiche; 20 milioni annui derivati dai risparmi sulle spese della politica».
Queste dichiarazioni sarebbero state rilasciate da Lei, onorevole Ministro, e dal Ministro per gli
Affari Regionali, onorevole Fitto, durante la presentazione di una nuova iniziativa, che si
concluderà fra sei mesi, tesa a rilevare i problemi riguardanti la sicurezza in 45 000 istituti italiani.
L’iniziativa è laudable and there is absolutely just and agreed (as we would also support a similar proposal
, who unfortunately never had then advanced at the time by the then Minister Moratti
However, Mr Minister, the thousand students of Darwin can not wait six months
useful to conduct the investigation, let alone the additional months needed to initiate and implement interventions.
The situation of Darwin is widely known and monitored, it requires further investigation to determine how and where to intervene
as part of a national plan of formal
safety of school buildings. The Darwin needs instead of immediate and extraordinary character
relate to emergency than he plays. The students of Darwin
do not need to be made more secure the building in which, perhaps with
some problems, already studied, but they need to be returned to their school who have not
more, which could follow the plan selected studies, which now, however, can not follow a normal shape.
is legitimate to hope that a small proportion of those multi-million announced to implement the 'priority' safety in schools should be set aside now, now, because this serves to return the Darwin to his students? We remain
parents, Mr Minister, in confident expectation: that some will want to respond to
nostre speranze e all’impegno fattivo dei nostri figli e dei loro insegnanti.
Con osservanza
Il Comitato Genitori e Studenti del Darwin
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