In the episodic film "Dreams" by Akira Kurosawa, the second story, entitled "The peach", opens with images of a Japanese festival, the Hinamatsuri, the festival of dolls or party girls. The film shows some girls wearing the traditional Japanese kimono to the sessions, or kneeling on cushions, in front of a moving step, which are arranged in order of the dolls, which are also costumes traditional Japanese. The girls are just celebrating the Hinamatsuri. This festival, which falls on March 3 (note that this is the third day of the third month), has ancient origins in China. The dolls site on the small steps represent the emperor, empress and their retinues, in addition there may be scenarios and also more or less elaborate items that enrich the composition. In some ancient legends were connected with this festival, the Japanese believed that if the dolls were not put away the day after the party, the girls would have married late in life, also in parts of Japan was thought to leave dolls of little value in the rivers would serve to ward off bad luck. As it happens a little 'for all the holidays around the world, over time these superstitions have vanished to make way for the most enjoyable aspects of the festival, so the Hinamatsuri has become just the party girls, celebrated in all those houses where there are daughters, homes for the occasion are decorated with peach blossoms, and is served during the feast of sweet sake. The Hinamatsuri is an annual event became part of the timing and balance in the habits and culture of Japan.
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