On 16/04/2010 Dr. Ancona, in the presence of the Leadership Institute, part of the parents of the School Council, the Health Committee and a representative of the Parents Committee, explained The findings of the analysis of questionnaires on "Project Dependencies" commissioned by the Institute.
The Committee of Parents, as previously established, reports to the parents concerned the salient points emerged.
The first part of the data was aimed at identifying the characteristics of the sample object of statistics collection.
The questionnaire was completed by 824 students (out of a total student population of about 1,000 people) of which 415 males and 409 females, belonging to all classes. The sample was considered sufficiently representative.
The questions in the first part of the questionnaire tend to identify the characteristics general type of student: for example, belong to a family of classical or extended, and assess the school environment in a positive way or not, to take pleasure in attending school or not, etc. ...
This information is especially to highlight the presence of known risk factors (insecurity, dissatisfaction, distress, school performance, etc ...), which normally "make them more vulnerable" children of the encouraging increase in invoking the drug.
The overall picture that emerges from this first group of questions is considered, when compared with other similar, rather positive in the sense that the boys claim a school situation and seem quite positive on average, determined and aware. There does not seem difficult situations numerically significant.
These first data to be correctly interpreted, are intersected with each other.
The second part of the questions, in fact, is more focused on "drugs and their perception / understanding of the phenomenon .
In this second part of questions if they reported only a few, as all the test data will be published in full as soon as completed all tests (probably on the school website).
* One question asked what had been agreed to distinguish between "hard drugs" from "soft drugs" and 62% of boys has been agreed and only 21% do not. In fact, today, is common opinion among experts consider this distinction a "common place" unfounded because even the so-called soft drugs, first of all addictive, and can also be quite dangerous. They cited examples of drugs, "synthetic" (the classic pads that are located in bars and discos), consisting of mixture of substances new and different and therefore also difficult da individuare e da prevederne le conseguenze. Molte di queste sostanze di sintesi si trovano facilmente in luoghi accessibili ai ragazzi nonché direttamente su internet.
* Un’altra domanda chiedeva se fosse meno pericoloso il fumo di marijuana rispetto a quello di sigaretta: il 21% ha risposto di sì. Anche questa risposta sembra frutto di opinioni diffuse ma sostanzialmente sbagliate : di qui la necessità di maggiore informazione.
* Si chiedeva poi ai ragazzi di dichiarare se abbiano amici che fanno uso di sostanze: il 55% ha risposto di sì per cannabis e hashish ; il 16% sì per la cocaina ed il 6% per l’eroina (altre percentuali per altre sostanze)
* 18% of children (ie 150) responds to a subsequent claim of having used cannabis and to decline as a percentage of other nouns.
* Among those who reported having used: 52% reported occasional use, 11 .7% more frequent use and then gradually to decline.
* Among those who claim not to have been used: 85% claims to have never thought of using it, thinking it is 8% and 7 do not know ...
* There was asked if he had never been given the drug: 42% said yes and 48% said "No." However 41% of them would know where to go to procure it.
Another set of questions was addressed to understand whether the drug is perceived as a source of comfort or discomfort to the individual. It is apparent to the majority of respondents clearly a negative perception of the phenomenon is associated with drug addiction, illness, isolation, loneliness ... so a whole range of negative values \u200b\u200b(this is reflected essentially what has already emerged in the focus groups). However, a minority (there are few, but let's not forget that there are) children of drug-related situation of well-being is largely seen as just filler emptiness. A vacuum is often filled with different types of drug addiction: mobile, internet, sex, food, reading, etc. ... All phenomena seemingly innocuous but that "high doses" create situations of addiction.
The last section of questions was addressed to understand their requirements with respect to these issues.
E 'showed a strong demand for information, they say, should come mainly from the school and the family (very important information on the subject has the role of the teacher).
At the same time, these same guys who always try more freedom and autonomy (often the wrong way) call on a very restrictive attitude by adults on drugs. Adults, especially to the family, asking for a negative stance against the drugs, but that is not a simple ban but a ban duly explained and justified (hence the need for information for parents and teachers to not are unprepared).
Expect substantially from their parents much authority, firmness and positive examples: a sort of "protection" that still leaves room to make their needs and experiences of cultural and moral growth.
From all this it is evident how important it is to be aware of the phenomenon (also applies to parents and teachers) the tools to deal with it. The Committee
parents, thinking of interpreting this requirement, proposed to organize a "training course" on drugs and addiction for parents with information and opportunity to pose questions directly to experts.
For example, you were asked to explain what are the signs to interpret the behavior of kids who can trigger the so-called wake-up call about the problem dependence.
This is being organized and we'll let you know as soon as dates and place of meetings.
As regards information contained in this document, it stresses that are the result of notes taken by "ordinary parents" without specific professional on the issue and that, therefore, may contain inaccuracies and questionable interpretations.
We are sure we want to apologize for that. We would have all manner of further explanation and ask better in future meetings.
Thank you for your attention.
An affectionate greeting
The Committee Parents Newton
Parents present:
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