space debris
well revolve around the Earth 10 million space debris: pieces of circuits, rockets, satellites and pieces of gear, clothing and astronautical more. Wastes which create serious difficulties for the traffic space, satellites and the Space Station Internazionale.È for this reason that the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has requested the help of the oldest and valid manufacturer of nets for fishing, the Nitto Seim . The project
di attaccare una rete metallica molto fitta e resistente ad un satellite, svolgerla nello spazio e raccogliere i detriti che vanno da pochi millimetri a dimensioni davvero consistenti, e che soprattutto viaggiano a velocità incredibili, fino a 36.000 Km/h.
Il problema della spazzatura spaziale è reale, tanto che tutte le Agenzie Spaziali hanno propri centri di controllo dedicati all’attività di rilevamento e monitoraggio di tali detriti e delle loro orbite.
Un problema che era stato sottolineato annia fa da un manga (poi divenuto anche anime), "Planetes" di Makoto Yukimura.
Nel 2068, Yuri, il protagonista, è distrutto dalla morte della moglie, avvenuta in seguito a un terribile incidente spazio-aereo. La sua vita becomes dark and lonely. Six years later, he became a collector of debris: space junk. Him work with two other people, and Hachimaki Fee, and each of the three has a purpose. Yuri hopes to recover some memory of his wife, the young Hachimaki would like to buy his own spaceship (and perhaps to Mars first), while Fee is proud of his work as a garbage man in space, to do which has left her husband and son home on Earth. The collection of those pieces of space debris, the waste of the space race in which the protagonist humanity, for these people then become something very important and it goes beyond the mere routine work and involves them in sometimes dangerous situations, the background of an area so majestic as cold, fascinating and scary at the same time. Despite the future, space, technological equipment, the most important element of this comic is the humanity that shines through in every page, as if to say that if science fiction becomes in the future, humans are always very ground, with their quirks, faults, defects and big dreams.